Friday, October 5, 2007

Hide Ip Software Using Ubuntu

with you our fetish: The Blog.

Everyone talks about Web 2.0 and blogging as a bidirectional way that people interact online, and it's true, people interact, participate, interact ... the limit is infinite.

In particular I think blogs have become the new fetish cyber society. Who does not have a blog?!

do I get this? to discuss the relationships between people are becoming increasingly virtual evolved many times in a world of fantasy, the fantasy that each user can generate with pleasure and fetishism to involve others of this reality, the reality created , and in particular I refer to the blogs of a personal nature, those blogs that have intimate stories, those blogs that serve as a mirror aspirational for those people who in real life are exactly the opposite of what they show on the web.

do not know if I agree or not that happens, in fact I shelter myself behind my blog to write all this and much more without revealing my identity and without comment as I am in my life off-line, but it is good to get to see a little further.

Navigating various blogs I could see from transvestite stories, suicide girls, gays, lesbians, prostitutes, adolescents tell their sexual experiences, people who are shown safe in their words and all sorts of personality that I can think surely I can find reflected in a blog.

And here comes my intrigue: how much of what we see on blogs is true and as false? As for how much reality and fantasy? How many of these figures are genuine?. We do not know ... and that's just the fetish of the question.

played to who would like to be in real life and do not dare, or from obscurity to play tell what we do in real life and we encourage you to tell in person. I think there is a heavy burden and libidinous erotica on blogs, but not from the purely sexual (though sometimes is), but from the point of view of the feeling of excitement that this game may result in the people behind blogs.

Sigmund Freud said that all forms of pleasuring (to scratch an itch) is masturbation. I think if we get psychological, for many people to be behind a blog is like masturbation, but even taking into account the addiction it creates.

But this is nothing new, is simply an evolved form of fetish, a variant of "tech" of the masks used in these dances of the seventeenth century where the game was in just not knowing who was behind that costume.
Our technology is advancing all the time making even the fetishes of the company evolve into a variant of "tech".
I invite you to comment on this discussion.
Greetings to all.
"The Advertising"

How Much Is A Cyst Removal Cost

Magic by David Chesterfield.

Friday, August 24, 2007

How Long Do Canned Jelly Last

The Internationalization of the Amazon - Chico Buarque

not every day a Brazilian gives a good and slap educadísima Americans.
During a debate at a university in the United States in July 2007, asked the former governor of the Federal District and the Minister of Education of Brazil, CRISTOVÃO Chico Buarque, what he thought about the internationalization of the Amazon .
An American at the United Nations introduced the question, saying he hoped the response of a humanist and not a Brazilian.
This was the response from Mr Cristóvão Buarque:
"Really, as a Brazilian, only speak against the internationalization of Amazonia. As much as our governments do not properly care for this heritage, it is ours.
As a humanist, feeling the risk of environmental degradation suffered by the Amazon, I can imagine its internationalization, as well as everything else, it is of utmost importance to mankind.
If the Amazon, from a humanistic ethic, should be internationalized, also internationalize the oil reserves in the world. Oil is so important to the welfare of humanity as the Amazon to our future. Despite that, the owners of stocks they believe have the right to increase or decrease the production of oil and its price up or not. Similarly
Thus, the financial capital of the rich countries should be internationalized. If the Amazon is a reserve for all human beings, not be burned by the will of an owner or a country. Burn the Amazon is as serious as the unemployment caused by the arbitrary decisions of global speculators. We can not allow financial reserves serve to burn entire countries in the luxury of speculation.
Also, before Amazon, I would like to see the internationalization of the great museums of the world. The Louvre should not belong only to France. Every museum in the world is the guardian of the most beautiful pieces produced by the human genius. Can not stop that cultural heritage, natural heritage such as Amazon, be manipulated and destroyed for the pleasure of an owner or a country.
Not long ago, a Japanese millionaire decided to be buried along with him, a picture of a great teacher. On the contrary, this situation should have been internationalized.
During this meeting, the United Nations is pursuing the Millennium Forum, but some presidents of countries had difficulties participating due to unpleasant situations encountered in the U.S. border So I think that New York, as United Nations headquarters, should be internationalized. At least Manhattan should belong to all mankind. In the same way as Paris, Venice, Rome, London, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia ... each city, with its specific beauty, history of the world should belong to the world.
If the U.S. wants to internationalize the Amazon, to avoid running the risk of leaving it in the hands of Brazilians, internationalize all the nuclear arsenals. Suffice to say that they already demonstrated that they are able to use those weapons, causing destruction thousands of times greater than the unfortunate fires burning in the forests of Brazil.
In their speeches, the current candidates for president of the United States have defended the idea of \u200b\u200binternationalizing the world's forest reserves in exchange for debt. Let's start using that debt to ensure that every child in the world has the chance to eat and go to school. Internationalize the children, treating them all no matter what country they were born, as patrimony that deserves care worldwide. Much more than deserves the Amazon. When leaders treat the poor children of the world as a World Heritage Site, will not allow work when they should study, they die when they should live. As a humanist, I accept to defend the internationalization of the world, but while the world treats me as a Brazilian, I will fight for the Amazon is ours. Only ours! "

* NOTE: This article was published in the NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, USA TODAY and in major newspapers in Europe and Japan.
in Brazil and the rest of Latin America, this article was not published. Help us spread .
* The Illuminated * - Thanks Stella!

Monday, July 23, 2007

What's The Best Bahama Cruise?

Statement MICROSOFT SURFACE VIDEO - This already exceeds what I saw so far

'm at a stage that I became crazy about technology, and internet searching I found this, and it's not that I love Microsoft, because I do not really love it, but be objective This is incredible.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Prince Ngx Graphite Tour Review

TRANSFORMERS. The movie. (Incredible)

Listen to the sounds of this movie.

Invitation Wording For School Function

iPhone. I love him!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

37 Week Pregnant With A Sore Throat

And finally ... Home Sweet Home.

And if we moved. After reaching a consensus on what color tablecloth to put it, finally came around very well and we are both happy with the result.
I show a before and after our home sweet home.



Monday, March 5, 2007

Free Groping On The Bus Or Train

I am about to move in with my girlfriend. Here is the list what I wear. E-resistible

Ok Computer: OK
Clothing: Ok
tiny bullshit that only take up space: Ok
Audio Equipment: OK
TV: Ok
Refrigerator: OK
Washers: OK
CD's: Ok
Memories: OK
Fear: Ok
Silver: OK
Moving Issues: OK
Calconcillo Leopard: OK
Discussions for decoration: OK
Start Cooking: Less money
OK to fuck: OK
unexpected visitors: ironing and washing
My collection of bottles of Coca Cola: OK
Books of Jules Verne: OK
Lexotanil to support my girlfriend, OK
Exaust controls every move you make: OK
Stress paying monthly rent: OK
My favorite pillow totally dirty: Ok
Hangers: Ok
Gun for extreme cases: OK
Wives to play police and thief: Anti-
OK baby (cover): OK OK OK OK
My Will: OK
suicide letter (just in case): OK
razor blades for the veins: OK
Illusions: Ok (not all bad che!)
100 bottles of concentrated patience: OK
1 book of feng shui: OK
Dalai Lama's advice: Ok
Book of the 10 methods to listen without yawning my girlfriend: OK
MP3 for moments of isolation: OK
Apron: Ok
Poett: OK
book how to become autistic for convenience: Ok
Extension credit card for my girlfriend: OK
scissors to cut the extension of the credit card from my girlfriend: Ok
address of a friend to lend me the house if I made a week: OK
monthly quota of 4 out alone with my friends

Ok ..... mmmmmm I do not think I miss anything .... hehehehe.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Check Engine Light On 03 Gmc Yukon

Reality for all!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Amature Pendulum Clock

Is it only words? (The Advertising)