Friday, October 5, 2007

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with you our fetish: The Blog.

Everyone talks about Web 2.0 and blogging as a bidirectional way that people interact online, and it's true, people interact, participate, interact ... the limit is infinite.

In particular I think blogs have become the new fetish cyber society. Who does not have a blog?!

do I get this? to discuss the relationships between people are becoming increasingly virtual evolved many times in a world of fantasy, the fantasy that each user can generate with pleasure and fetishism to involve others of this reality, the reality created , and in particular I refer to the blogs of a personal nature, those blogs that have intimate stories, those blogs that serve as a mirror aspirational for those people who in real life are exactly the opposite of what they show on the web.

do not know if I agree or not that happens, in fact I shelter myself behind my blog to write all this and much more without revealing my identity and without comment as I am in my life off-line, but it is good to get to see a little further.

Navigating various blogs I could see from transvestite stories, suicide girls, gays, lesbians, prostitutes, adolescents tell their sexual experiences, people who are shown safe in their words and all sorts of personality that I can think surely I can find reflected in a blog.

And here comes my intrigue: how much of what we see on blogs is true and as false? As for how much reality and fantasy? How many of these figures are genuine?. We do not know ... and that's just the fetish of the question.

played to who would like to be in real life and do not dare, or from obscurity to play tell what we do in real life and we encourage you to tell in person. I think there is a heavy burden and libidinous erotica on blogs, but not from the purely sexual (though sometimes is), but from the point of view of the feeling of excitement that this game may result in the people behind blogs.

Sigmund Freud said that all forms of pleasuring (to scratch an itch) is masturbation. I think if we get psychological, for many people to be behind a blog is like masturbation, but even taking into account the addiction it creates.

But this is nothing new, is simply an evolved form of fetish, a variant of "tech" of the masks used in these dances of the seventeenth century where the game was in just not knowing who was behind that costume.
Our technology is advancing all the time making even the fetishes of the company evolve into a variant of "tech".
I invite you to comment on this discussion.
Greetings to all.
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