Friday, February 29, 2008

Georgia How Will I Know If I Recieve Unemployment

LOST SEASON FOUR. And we stay in the island.

The truth is that I'm a fan of this series, not I deny. In fact I can not wait for someone to upload the last chapter to emule to download, peroooo ... Island is not much longer?, That is, we know that has to be because all the action takes place there, but it would be good to resume certain mysteries like Desmond's life or that red phone that once sounded at a base in the Arctic. On the other side and I'm getting tired of Locke, it seems a boring character. And for now all is well .... all will stick to Ben, Kate and Sawyer eats Jack, Fat Hugo still as crazy and failed, Sayid continues in his y. .. fourth chapter, and we still do not know who the boat.

For any fan be upset by reading this, know that I love the series, I just think that is a bit slow and predictable. Hopefully it gets better.