Monday, August 2, 2010

Concert Vip Invitation Wording

The Ouija

Today I discuss a very "But that very, very, very long- , so divide the input into several. You will ask what the subject -O ... because I have not read the title- it is: The Ouija

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At this point, I doubt that someone has not never heard or know what is the Ouija.

Still, try to describe to you.

The Ouija is a board on which are -written, printed or recorded- all letters of the alphabet, numbers 0 through 9 "From which we can form all the numbers- words : Yes and No, Goodbye and sometimes : Well and board opposite Malo.
The Ouija board must always be accompanied by a Master, which is the part "There are many styles- that points out the letters, words or numbers.

The purpose of this board is supposed contact with spirits or "souls" and "Even less mentioned and that most people ignore, with aliens or demons.

The Ouija is considered "And I could not say Rejoice or worse ... But I think for that last- a game.

But for 'Play' for this game paranormal, there are rules -Rather- advice is good to follow:

• • It is advisable to make the group, not a single individual. As for little dangerous it may seem, all affected more if you're alone.

• • Within the Group, there must be a total affinity by all members. There can be no obligation to make or bad relations between various members, because if it would not be sure that the meeting come out quite well.

• • If possible, participants should be good sending and receiving telepathic. Since it will be much easier to start and continue the session.

• • One member of the group act in Medium, and he shall forward questions when invoked. For though we can talk all at once ... Do you guys you hear of what people say when you tell it to several people at once?

• • You have to be open minded and be sure of what you do, but you should not be afraid, you just have to have respect and believe in what you are doing.

and the development of 'Game' is easy.

must join the group somewhere. It's much better to be somewhere sunny, no people, and viewers have is not very good for the session.
And when ready, put "Normally in a circle - to start. Before you put your fingers on the master, you should concentrate energy.
To this end, the group should be both hands creating a chain-As- and focus on something positive, such as thinking that the session will go quite well.

When they are finished. Should continue with that state of tranquility "In any moment of the session to be missed for anything in the quiet ... because if you become vulnerable- throughout the duration of session and put your fingers on the master and start with any questions to see if there is someone or something you want to participate in the 'game' such as: Is there anybody there?
If there is someone or something you want to play the master will move If "Therefore the importance of that word in a board- although sometimes it can move: Adios -In this time do not be scared, you can always find some entity that has no desire to talk or not you they want to speak- in such cases simply log off normally.

When you find someone or something you want to talk to you can ask whatever you wish, be careful because they can not always have the best intentions and most of these cases you must log off, but there are quiet a few times that happens.
And when they believe it is time to end the session, the first thing you should do is ask with whom you have kept the conversation: Can we log? Deriba
And that question two answers: Yes or No

If Yes, what you should do is very easy, the group should concentrate again and the medium -Who should always do all the questions , start and log- read: leave closed session.

But if on the contrary says NO, may become more complicated. Yet they must remain calm and ask him why he will not close. Why you'll want to communicate something to a group member, although you may want something.

If in this case, you want to know anything that can mean being or just want to log off and you must remember that you are who have the power, since you have invited him to come and have the power to go away again. To make use of that power, the medium should just say You have no power to stay, we will have raised and we have power to make you return, do not try to stay because we who have the power material.
works, because it's true, and after that to be invoked to move the master log Goodbye and you can normally.

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And with this "Nothing short- description of what is the Ouija and as practiced, I bid you farewell, but not left behind this issue because, as said at the beginning is incredibly extensive and there are still many things we can talk and I do. (If you want to try something special about this subject, let me know in a comment)

- And now it's time to think about this and let a comment about what you think of it -

Sweet Bites:

NĂ­niel Thuringwethil ~ ~