Monday, March 3, 2008

Pokemon Silver Online Rpg

. WORLD ALERT. What are we waiting for? TORNADO EN BUENOS AIRES

A root of the strange weather we're having in Buenos I looked Aires info and images about global warming. The data found were shocking, I thought it best to graph this with 3 video I found on You Tube.

Are you considering becoming

idly by until we get the increase in temperature of 6 ยบ, also called point of no return?

I think this affects us all, quejemonos with governments but also to do our part for most part small.

Did you know that only by unplugging electrical appliances that have lights on "stand by" you can save up to 150 kW / year? This not only reduces the energy demand but also saves you money.

So that left on the "pilot" of the heaters or gas water heaters when you can turn it off until you are at home? Save gas, pollute less and save money.


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