Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Health Project in

, 70 % of women used an improper bra size

70% of women use an inadequate bra size, which may involve the development of various breast conditions, according to a study commissioned by the firm Belcor Pharma.
Use a comfortable bra is important for health Breast
The research also suggests that between 20% and 30% of the consultations carried out by breast pain, hardening of the breast or skin tags are caused the improper use of a bra.
In the presentation "Myths and legends of the bra 'held last week in the Auditorium of the Hospital Sant Pau, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBelcor responsible for Pharma, Frank Gates, said that" up to 80% of English women have some form of breast disease throughout his life by wearing a bra that fits the characteristics of their breasts. "
According to experts, some of the most common errors when buying this type of undergarment spend by choosing a bra cup size or smaller or bigger for aesthetic reasons.
In fact, a recent survey conducted by the Department of Administration and Marketing from the University of Sevilla said that "95% of women surveyed require more basic information to help them buy the right bra."


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