Monday, February 28, 2011

Where To Buy Hamsa Bracelets

shopping (not with confundir especializadas)

The lingerie has always been conditioned by the specific needs and aesthetic style of each era.

The imposition of the corset was because Catherine de Medici in 1550, required that the receptions of the Court, women lucieran a figure shaped by this device and this aesthetic concept, aggressive health lasted 450 years. In the late nineteenth century invented Cadolle Hermine of "well-set" (le bien ĂȘtre), which endowed mobility by separating part of the piece body hugging his chest. In early Paul Poiret twentieth century became the most recognized fighter anti corset with their clothing designs that left lying if makings women. In 1914, Mary Phelps Jacob patented the bra first recognized as such.

mid twentieth century, Howard Hughes, commissioned an aeronautical engineer who invented a bra that "projected" Jane Russell's chest for the movie "The Outlaw" and Hollywood a decisive influence in popularizing this new way of understanding the female figure, where the holder has acquired a key role.

From the 50's, this burgeoning industry, the manufacturers of fasteners, gave birth to the most popular brands of today and no doubt his fashion aesthetic concept and acquired an undoubted relevance, which has led to go buy underwear, has become an impulse purchase, where the most important is as we hope to see us "and our purchase is almost entirely emotional.

Fortunately, women have become increasingly more demanding of your comfort. Can not convince them with learned responses forming part of an evasion than the certainty of good professionalism. Are no longer satisfied with the fastener bothered, they click, they are damaged for no reason, and the first thing you want after a long day of work, is to remove the nuisance when they come home.

It is time the new step. Now it is necessary that the stores where we buy are equipped to meet. We need good advice. We demand that we solve our needs. Customers do not want to buy with doubts and of course, the sales professionals must be increasingly better prepared to handle any remorse purchase with effective solutions.

course has to have a good deal, ask the size and the cup you use and if you do not know (94% do not know), to help them calculate and write in a store card. 7 out of 10 women do not wear size / cup that they deserve. Once you know this information, ask what use you are to have: to be at home to party, to show shoulders, to show cleavage, for sports, because they are pregnant, sleep, ... This is the time find the right model, in size and the cup which they belong. And if you do not have in stock, consult the catalog and ask for the brand. With these simple actions, customer loyalty, because they have served their needs.

is becoming necessary now that the stores bring added value to their work and pass on occupational safety. Many users seek specialists stores because they have failed to comply and they want answers.

Francesc Puertas


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