Thursday, March 3, 2011

Valentine Wishes For An Ex


Temple celebrated the seventh Women's Week

Women's Week will take place from 8 on 13 March.

Association of Women Pallars Jussà Rosa April, with the collaboration of the City of Temple, has organized the seventh Women's Week. For one week, from 8 to 13 March, there will be several events that revolve around the world of women.

then publish the complete program acts that take place throughout the week:

8/03/2011> 19.30 pm Reading the manifesto of the International Day of Women and conference fate of women in the world of opera with the collaboration of the Municipal School of Music. In the plenary hall of the council.
9/03/2011> 17,00 h Conference Centre of the Elderly Health and Safety in the home, with the collaboration of the Red Cross.
10/03/2011> 19.30 pm P rojection Give me the international competition of short films film, the civic center Tarraquet Tremp. Collaborate Entrepobles Pallars.
11/03/2011> 17.00 pm Talk- colloquium Women and local politics by Quim Brugué
19.30 am Tribute to the councilors of the legislatures Democracy in Temple.
12/03/2011> 17.00 pm Talk to the plenary hall of the Municipality myths and legends of bra / bra proper use, by Francesc Puertas . Collaborate Women's Association Rose April. 13/03/2011
> 9.00 h Walk fins to the shrine of Sant del Bosc, i take refuge in the hermitage Montsec (desnivell: 620m). We will give Sortida des de l'Estació d'buses Tremp. Organitza The Municipal d'Esports.


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