Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sample Project Reprot On New Product

Critical Pedagogy

"theory proposed by practice, that students achieve critical consciousness within their society."

Critical pedagogy finds its basis in critical theory. This theory invented a new way of reading reality, able to respond to social problems of the modern world, this stream has become a landmark in the pursuit of an education from the critical approach. Arose, then the critical pedagogy as a pedagogy respondent, because it involves a reaction generated from a conscious and responsible reflection.

Some of the features that make this theory are:

- Training is necessary to achieve self-awareness to create a meaning-making process supported by personal experiences.

- is aimed at social transformation for the benefit of the weakest. Education must consider the social inequalities in a globalized world, and acquire a commitment to justice and equity.

- should allow teachers and the educational community in general, identify constraints and enhance the capabilities so that they are the basis for self-improvement.

Some of the key elements of critical pedagogy are:
Participation - Communication
- Humanization
- Transformation
- Contextualization

is to clarify what H. Giroux takes as context: geographical space where the individual performs actions, also includes the networks of meanings, cultural spaces, including its historical, religious, psychological, ideological, etc .- acknowledge and agree that individuals who share the same physical space.

What an individual internalized through the socialization process depends on the context in which it is embedded (family, social, cultural and educational). Each individual interacts and interprets reality differently where you live, this interpretation is based on internal representations constructed. Depending on these interpretations, so are the activities carried out, hence, an individual is competent to the extent that their internal representations promote better performance over their lives.

"Education should be aware of these relationships and determine how structural conditions of society affect the educational process."

Invitation Wording For Schoolfunction

contextualized education

is one that uses the environment as a teaching resource. Contextualized education will be one that encourages relationships knowledge with the real context of the individual and bring the knowledge beyond examining the situations in other contexts, analyzing its contradictions and meetings.

"The existence of learning processes disconnected from context, encourage critical reflection on social reality of the environment, only occasionally trying to establish some links, which are limited to isolated efforts that transcend the reflection or decision of attitudes to the various problems of the region and country. "

should be educated for life in community, so it must be part of the institution. The contents of the schools primary and secondary, should refer to environmental issues, so, to understand reality.

The student must be in contact with reality to discover, share, discuss and reconstruct new meanings. In the interaction with the environment, the student is sensitized to the problems of the environment, hence the methodology of the programs should be open, dynamic, energizing, and allow the contents to be addressed through real problems.

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"The purpose of contextualization in education is to understand that reality affects the individual but the individual also has the possibility act on it, in order to transform it to improve it. "

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How are the new capitalism and processes of democracy in our societies?
How do the new logic of global market of child welfare?
How do they influence our responsibilities and intentions as intellectuals / academics, teachers, and / or researchers committed to struggle to forge a social democracy?

Mussels, Can Eat If Unopened?

Do you think it possible to implement the Education Critical in the Mexico of today? Why?

Do you consider the media-cultural environment of our society, or influences the education of Mexicans?

What impact do you have H. Critical Pedagogy Giroux in the growth of a country?

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"Giroux knows that being in the world and the world means constantly experiencing exactly the dialectic between subjectivity and objectivity. He also knows that one of the hardest things is to live in the world without falling into the temptation to overestimate the subjectivity at the expense of objectivity or overestimate the latter at the expense the first. His passion, and my own, is neither subjective idealism and mechanistic objectivism but critical immersion in history. That is the rationale for critical pedagogy he proposes. "Paulo Freire

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Henry Giroux was born in Providence, USA, September 18, 1943. He taught history at a secondary school in Barrington, Rhode Island from 1968 to 1975. After receiving his doctorate at Carnegie Mellon University in 1977, became professor of education at Boston University between 1977 and 1983. In 1983 he became professor of education and renamed scholar in residence at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where he also served as director of the Center for Education and Cultural Studies (Centre for Education and Cultural Studies).

moved to Pennsylvania State University where he assumed the chair of faculty Waterbury, 1922 to May 2004. He also served as director of the Waterbury Forum in Education and Cultural Studies (Waterbury Forum on Education and Cultural Studies). He moved to McMaster University in May 2004, where he currently holds the chair of global TV chains in the career of communication sciences. In May 2005, Canada's Memorial University awarded an honorary doctorate of letters.

U.S. is a cultural critic and one of the founding theorists of critical pedagogy in that country. It is well known for his pioneering work in public pedagogy, cultural studies, youth, higher education, studies of media and critical theory.

His work illustrates a number of theoretical traditions, ranging from Marx, to Paulo Freire and Zygmunt Baumann. It is also an advocate of radical democracy and opposes the undemocratic tendencies of neoliberalism, militarism, imperialism, religious founder, and attacks that occur under the neoliberal state social wage, youth, the poor, and public and higher education.

  • Curriculum and Instruction: Alternatives in Education . Eds. A. Penna, HA Giroux and W. Pinar [1981]

  • The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education . Eds. Henry A. Giroux and David Purpel [1983]

  • Critical Pedagogy, the State, and the Struggle for Culture . Eds. Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren [1989]

  • Popular Culture, Schooling & Everyday Life . Eds. Henry A. Giroux and Roger Simon [1989]

  • Postmodernism, Feminism and Cultural Politics: Rethinking Educational Boundaries . Ed. Henry A. Giroux [1991]

  • Between Borders: Pedagogy and Politics in Cultural Studies . Eds. Henry A. Giroux and Peter McLaren. [1994]

  • Cultural Studies and Education: Towards a Performative Practice . eds. Henry A. Giroux and Patrick Shannon [1997]

  • Beyond the Corporate University: Pedagogy, Culture, and Literary Studies in the New Millennium . Eds. Henry A. Giroux and Kostas Myrsiades [2001]

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tulip Wedding Arrangements

Giroux, H. (2004) Theory and resistance in education. A pedagogy for the opposition.
Twenty First Century Publishers. Sixth edition. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Giroux, H. (2001) Culture, policy and educational practice. Barcelona: GraĆ³.
Giroux, H. (1990) Teachers as intellectuals: towards a critical pedagogy of
learning. Barcelona: GraĆ³.