Saturday, May 23, 2009

Invitation Wording For Schoolfunction

contextualized education

is one that uses the environment as a teaching resource. Contextualized education will be one that encourages relationships knowledge with the real context of the individual and bring the knowledge beyond examining the situations in other contexts, analyzing its contradictions and meetings.

"The existence of learning processes disconnected from context, encourage critical reflection on social reality of the environment, only occasionally trying to establish some links, which are limited to isolated efforts that transcend the reflection or decision of attitudes to the various problems of the region and country. "

should be educated for life in community, so it must be part of the institution. The contents of the schools primary and secondary, should refer to environmental issues, so, to understand reality.

The student must be in contact with reality to discover, share, discuss and reconstruct new meanings. In the interaction with the environment, the student is sensitized to the problems of the environment, hence the methodology of the programs should be open, dynamic, energizing, and allow the contents to be addressed through real problems.


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