Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sample Project Reprot On New Product

Critical Pedagogy

"theory proposed by practice, that students achieve critical consciousness within their society."

Critical pedagogy finds its basis in critical theory. This theory invented a new way of reading reality, able to respond to social problems of the modern world, this stream has become a landmark in the pursuit of an education from the critical approach. Arose, then the critical pedagogy as a pedagogy respondent, because it involves a reaction generated from a conscious and responsible reflection.

Some of the features that make this theory are:

- Training is necessary to achieve self-awareness to create a meaning-making process supported by personal experiences.

- is aimed at social transformation for the benefit of the weakest. Education must consider the social inequalities in a globalized world, and acquire a commitment to justice and equity.

- should allow teachers and the educational community in general, identify constraints and enhance the capabilities so that they are the basis for self-improvement.

Some of the key elements of critical pedagogy are:
Participation - Communication
- Humanization
- Transformation
- Contextualization

is to clarify what H. Giroux takes as context: geographical space where the individual performs actions, also includes the networks of meanings, cultural spaces, including its historical, religious, psychological, ideological, etc .- acknowledge and agree that individuals who share the same physical space.

What an individual internalized through the socialization process depends on the context in which it is embedded (family, social, cultural and educational). Each individual interacts and interprets reality differently where you live, this interpretation is based on internal representations constructed. Depending on these interpretations, so are the activities carried out, hence, an individual is competent to the extent that their internal representations promote better performance over their lives.

"Education should be aware of these relationships and determine how structural conditions of society affect the educational process."


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