Monday, August 2, 2010

Concert Vip Invitation Wording

The Ouija

Today I discuss a very "But that very, very, very long- , so divide the input into several. You will ask what the subject -O ... because I have not read the title- it is: The Ouija

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

At this point, I doubt that someone has not never heard or know what is the Ouija.

Still, try to describe to you.

The Ouija is a board on which are -written, printed or recorded- all letters of the alphabet, numbers 0 through 9 "From which we can form all the numbers- words : Yes and No, Goodbye and sometimes : Well and board opposite Malo.
The Ouija board must always be accompanied by a Master, which is the part "There are many styles- that points out the letters, words or numbers.

The purpose of this board is supposed contact with spirits or "souls" and "Even less mentioned and that most people ignore, with aliens or demons.

The Ouija is considered "And I could not say Rejoice or worse ... But I think for that last- a game.

But for 'Play' for this game paranormal, there are rules -Rather- advice is good to follow:

• • It is advisable to make the group, not a single individual. As for little dangerous it may seem, all affected more if you're alone.

• • Within the Group, there must be a total affinity by all members. There can be no obligation to make or bad relations between various members, because if it would not be sure that the meeting come out quite well.

• • If possible, participants should be good sending and receiving telepathic. Since it will be much easier to start and continue the session.

• • One member of the group act in Medium, and he shall forward questions when invoked. For though we can talk all at once ... Do you guys you hear of what people say when you tell it to several people at once?

• • You have to be open minded and be sure of what you do, but you should not be afraid, you just have to have respect and believe in what you are doing.

and the development of 'Game' is easy.

must join the group somewhere. It's much better to be somewhere sunny, no people, and viewers have is not very good for the session.
And when ready, put "Normally in a circle - to start. Before you put your fingers on the master, you should concentrate energy.
To this end, the group should be both hands creating a chain-As- and focus on something positive, such as thinking that the session will go quite well.

When they are finished. Should continue with that state of tranquility "In any moment of the session to be missed for anything in the quiet ... because if you become vulnerable- throughout the duration of session and put your fingers on the master and start with any questions to see if there is someone or something you want to participate in the 'game' such as: Is there anybody there?
If there is someone or something you want to play the master will move If "Therefore the importance of that word in a board- although sometimes it can move: Adios -In this time do not be scared, you can always find some entity that has no desire to talk or not you they want to speak- in such cases simply log off normally.

When you find someone or something you want to talk to you can ask whatever you wish, be careful because they can not always have the best intentions and most of these cases you must log off, but there are quiet a few times that happens.
And when they believe it is time to end the session, the first thing you should do is ask with whom you have kept the conversation: Can we log? Deriba
And that question two answers: Yes or No

If Yes, what you should do is very easy, the group should concentrate again and the medium -Who should always do all the questions , start and log- read: leave closed session.

But if on the contrary says NO, may become more complicated. Yet they must remain calm and ask him why he will not close. Why you'll want to communicate something to a group member, although you may want something.

If in this case, you want to know anything that can mean being or just want to log off and you must remember that you are who have the power, since you have invited him to come and have the power to go away again. To make use of that power, the medium should just say You have no power to stay, we will have raised and we have power to make you return, do not try to stay because we who have the power material.
works, because it's true, and after that to be invoked to move the master log Goodbye and you can normally.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

And with this "Nothing short- description of what is the Ouija and as practiced, I bid you farewell, but not left behind this issue because, as said at the beginning is incredibly extensive and there are still many things we can talk and I do. (If you want to try something special about this subject, let me know in a comment)

- And now it's time to think about this and let a comment about what you think of it -

Sweet Bites:

Níniel Thuringwethil ~ ~

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kathie Lee Gifford Diet Plan

The aura, which means in Greek 'air' or 'breeze' , Is the electromagnetic field that surrounds all living beings, is divided into seven layers directly related to the seven different chakras. Each of these layers can be one of eleven colors of the aura. Although auras usually have a single primary color -Being the main or basic color that is repeated more times-

The aura is influenced by the physical, mental and emotional each individual. In it, reflects the personality and the situations that people experience. Though invisible to the vast majority of human beings, sometimes as a result of a migraine, epilepsy, an optical system disorder, or brain, some people may have as a side effect visions of auras. Those who have seen it describe it as: A halo of light emanating from the body, colors, and without limits.

There are several ways of trying to know what the color of your aura, such as:

Stand next to a white wall, just a tiny spot at the height of your eyes and looking at him, basically , with his nose close to the wall, breathe deeply and think of nothing, just relax and concentrate only on the point, it remains so for a few minutes, after a while you should be able to see your reflection about in your aura.

And I, if you wish I can tell the color of your aura through numerology "No I assure you that functions and that is the true color of your aura, but we can try-
This encesito

· · Your Name.

· · and complete your date of birth.


And now that know more about the auras;

What do you think about them?


Mordicos Sweets:

Níniel Thuringwethil ~ ~

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How To Propel A Boat Without Batteries

Auras Wisp The Wendigo

The Wendigo (also known as Windigo, Windibum or Witiko) is a word India MEANS "The evil that devours"
is a creature of American Indian origin several hundred years old.

once were men (Indians, miners, trappers) But when you take a hard winter without any food supplies or someone who is starving, needing to feed, with anything. And that's what they did, they practiced cannibalism, devouring all members of their tribe or village.

In many cultures eating human flesh gives the individual certain skills: speed, strength, immortality. The individual absorbs the force and spirit of its victim, but it inflicts a hunger that can not satisfy with anything and all he wants is to eat more human flesh, the hunger grows and grows with that too their desire to hunt, continuing adequate feeding until the entire human part dies and ends up becoming something that is no longer quite human and is always hungry.

What becomes a being that barely keeps the human form with long, sharp claws for hands and feet, big and almost white hair covering his entire body. With a strong and sharp jaw developed for easier hunting.

The only way to kill a Wendigo is with fire, if one of these beings is attacked with guns or white only absorb and do not hurt him.


in Cryptozoology, the Wendigo often try to relate as a variant or a relative of Bigfoot.


What do you think?

Sweet Bites:

Níniel Thuringwethil ~ ~

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fotos De La Nueva Silverado Ss 427

There are many theories to explain the origin of false lights on myths and legends associated with death, and then there is the scientific explanation "Or try this- that truth really explain to me ... little, but put it anyway:

" A wildfire is a phenomenon that involves swelling of certain substances that rise of animal or vegetable substances putrefaction, and are little flames that are walking by the air a short distance from the surface, especially in marshy places and cemeteries. They are pale lights that can be seen sometimes at night or at dusk. It is said that the fires fatuous retreat to approach them "

But for many " As I- that does not explain everything, because they can be worth fires that originate in the subject decaying ... But this theory does not explain the cases that have been described lights swaying, falling, flying up and down or moving against the wind "That's what I usually do o'- and for this demn explanations exist:

· · In Gaelic and Slavic folk culture, it is believed that the wisps are evil spirits of the dead or other supernatural beings who try to divert the passengers of his way, away every time someone tries to approach.

· · also sometimes believed to be spirits of unbaptized babies and stillbirths, hovering between heaven and hell.

· · also fit the description of certain types of fairy, who may or may not have human souls.

· · The Wisp appear in numerous popular legends of the British Isles, often being a character in them malicious.

Welsh Legend has it that a peasant who returns home at dusk sighting a bright light moving well ahead of him. More closely, sees that the light is a lantern carried by a small dark figure which continues for several miles. Suddenly he is on the verge of a huge chasm with a raging torrent of water running under it. At this very moment the lantern carrier leaps across the hole, bringing the light high above his head and launching a malicious laugh, after which the light off leaving poor farmers away from home, plunged into darkness on the edge the cliff.

· · also in parts of Venezuela there is a legend that the wisps are the spirits of the English conquistador Lope de Aguirre and his men, who find no rest in the hereafter, and wander through this world.


And now that shared information about what are the wisp ...

What do you think?

Sweet Bites:

Níniel Thuringwethil ~ ~

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ge Spacemaker Xl1800 F4 Error

The White Lady or Lady Triste

The Lady in White, also called Sad Lady, is a spirit that is known for hundreds of years of its existence.
has been seen by several countries. Although each of these different women, but they have something in common:

· · When their husbands were alive they were infidels and those women suffering from temporary insanity killed their children, but when they realized what they had echo committed suicide.
His spirit is doomed, roam rivers and roads, and if you find a man unfaithful to him and you just were not seen again.

And I explained that it is a Lady in White Lady Sad ... or move on to reflect:

Everyone knows the legend of 'La Chica de la Curva " ... but how could this be the European version of a Lady in White?

discussed the history of The Girl of the Curve: Chico

traveling at night along a road, is a girl "Most of the time dressed in white or light clothing ... because if not, would not be in the dark of the night and this asked to take home, the boy agrees "She is a girl, alone ... and it is night, you could say that the boy is' infiel'- and then comes the end ... She kills him!

Both stories have many similarities ... I think the two stories are the same, the same kind of spirit, and therefore the very end .... spirits of dead men dressed in white Ladies on a highway, works condemned spirits.

And you who think?

Sweet Bites:

Níniel Thuringwethil ~ ~

Can You Tan After Getting A Brazilian Wax

Cemetery Opening Doors

today officially opened the Blog!

This is the first entry "Since the former is considered as a presentation- and really I have a thousand & ideas for this Blog just born ... And I hope to publish all !

And before publishing the first inning with some text "And let me now ...- presentations meant more or less I want to publish in this blog:
· · You said at the time that would be: 'on the darkness that surrounds us' and keep it, but within that there are a few issues to be discussed ... and I'll try to touch most, if not nearly all.

... If you have suggestions or want to touch a particular topic:
Tell me! I will happy ^ - ^

And little to say except one:
~ ~> I hope you enjoy reading, you find it interesting & , open your eyes ... because the darkness is there ... even pretend to ignore

Sweet Bites:

Níniel Thuringwethil ~ ~

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Monica Rocafortte 2010

Patricia (you and your new beginning).

"From now on when you do not find your song will trace to find you.
I'm with you here and there and with you in this illusive of time, I'm with you in all the regions and secrets of my skin. Your lips I absorb even when our bodies are spread to distant eyes visible. Your hands around me aiding moisture of my mouth, of my being. Your voice soars in a binding love you my voice.
Through of your song I can penetrate your heart, soothe your inner your feelings, to dream in your dreams, love ... so many things I can join in this song ... a true whisper in my ear whispering his ardor, the gentle wind moving your voice on my waist, a kiss removing unrecognized desires, your pores appropriating of reality ... I see so
of thus increase
nowhere looking for your own internal
cheering for your truth. "

'll always be my eyes of honey a WIG by just a touch, a fine touch.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Phrase Congratulation For New Job


Darkness surrounds us, is still there even if you close your eyes tightly wishing that away. For many times I implore you that noise has awakened in the middle of the night is just the wind that strikes the outside of your window in the background ... you know that someone or something has caused that noise has been keen to enter, wanting to come to you and not always best for ...

echo "This will have to think? Maybe you should stay for the birth of this blog who dedicate themselves to express one way or another The darkness that surrounds us.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Canada Ohip Cover Lap-band Surgery

Absence - Cesaria Evora

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hedge Fung Accredited

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Almonds Sprayed With Pesticide

On days like today appears little desperately, to see you. And I start to add them up and call you when I get tired of doing it ... I know what you know, again.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good Reit Investments

Sueno very selfish when I say wanting to change things to be with you. Change
for example, you're out of the closet or not be so sensitive when I say things I do not like thee; without thinking that just such sensitivity is what I liked. There are so many things I did not know how to express in a good way (I think).

I'm not telling you to fuck me again why I'm not with you, I guess I was clear, I suppose. I just know I miss you, just like that.

Some nights I dream I'm with you, without all the mental buts.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lipoma And Xiphoid Process

Friday, June 4, 2010

Facebook Stop People From Seeing My Friends

Reread this is to lower the head, face whore against a new cigarette, ask for the meaning to be typing on this machine, the tenth a little, for whom not shrug and quickly pigeonhole, put the label and go to something else, another story. There, but where, how

Julio Cortázar

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Invitation Wording For Paying Your Own Dinner