Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fotos De La Nueva Silverado Ss 427

There are many theories to explain the origin of false lights on myths and legends associated with death, and then there is the scientific explanation "Or try this- that truth really explain to me ... little, but put it anyway:

" A wildfire is a phenomenon that involves swelling of certain substances that rise of animal or vegetable substances putrefaction, and are little flames that are walking by the air a short distance from the surface, especially in marshy places and cemeteries. They are pale lights that can be seen sometimes at night or at dusk. It is said that the fires fatuous retreat to approach them "

But for many " As I- that does not explain everything, because they can be worth fires that originate in the subject decaying ... But this theory does not explain the cases that have been described lights swaying, falling, flying up and down or moving against the wind "That's what I usually do o'- and for this demn explanations exist:

· · In Gaelic and Slavic folk culture, it is believed that the wisps are evil spirits of the dead or other supernatural beings who try to divert the passengers of his way, away every time someone tries to approach.

· · also sometimes believed to be spirits of unbaptized babies and stillbirths, hovering between heaven and hell.

· · also fit the description of certain types of fairy, who may or may not have human souls.

· · The Wisp appear in numerous popular legends of the British Isles, often being a character in them malicious.

Welsh Legend has it that a peasant who returns home at dusk sighting a bright light moving well ahead of him. More closely, sees that the light is a lantern carried by a small dark figure which continues for several miles. Suddenly he is on the verge of a huge chasm with a raging torrent of water running under it. At this very moment the lantern carrier leaps across the hole, bringing the light high above his head and launching a malicious laugh, after which the light off leaving poor farmers away from home, plunged into darkness on the edge the cliff.

· · also in parts of Venezuela there is a legend that the wisps are the spirits of the English conquistador Lope de Aguirre and his men, who find no rest in the hereafter, and wander through this world.


And now that shared information about what are the wisp ...

What do you think?

Sweet Bites:

NĂ­niel Thuringwethil ~ ~


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