Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Monica Rocafortte 2010

Patricia (you and your new beginning).

"From now on when you do not find your song will trace to find you.
I'm with you here and there and with you in this illusive of time, I'm with you in all the regions and secrets of my skin. Your lips I absorb even when our bodies are spread to distant eyes visible. Your hands around me aiding moisture of my mouth, of my being. Your voice soars in a binding love you my voice.
Through of your song I can penetrate your heart, soothe your inner your feelings, to dream in your dreams, love ... so many things I can join in this song ... a true whisper in my ear whispering his ardor, the gentle wind moving your voice on my waist, a kiss removing unrecognized desires, your pores appropriating of reality ... I see so
of thus increase
nowhere looking for your own internal
cheering for your truth. "

'll always be my eyes of honey a WIG by just a touch, a fine touch.


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