Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kathie Lee Gifford Diet Plan

The aura, which means in Greek 'air' or 'breeze' , Is the electromagnetic field that surrounds all living beings, is divided into seven layers directly related to the seven different chakras. Each of these layers can be one of eleven colors of the aura. Although auras usually have a single primary color -Being the main or basic color that is repeated more times-

The aura is influenced by the physical, mental and emotional each individual. In it, reflects the personality and the situations that people experience. Though invisible to the vast majority of human beings, sometimes as a result of a migraine, epilepsy, an optical system disorder, or brain, some people may have as a side effect visions of auras. Those who have seen it describe it as: A halo of light emanating from the body, colors, and without limits.

There are several ways of trying to know what the color of your aura, such as:

Stand next to a white wall, just a tiny spot at the height of your eyes and looking at him, basically , with his nose close to the wall, breathe deeply and think of nothing, just relax and concentrate only on the point, it remains so for a few minutes, after a while you should be able to see your reflection about in your aura.

And I, if you wish I can tell the color of your aura through numerology "No I assure you that functions and that is the true color of your aura, but we can try-
This encesito

· · Your Name.

· · and complete your date of birth.


And now that know more about the auras;

What do you think about them?


Mordicos Sweets:

NĂ­niel Thuringwethil ~ ~


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